Friday, October 24, 2014

The Proposal

Well, its official! The Boyfriend has been officially promoted to The Fiance! It has been a bit of a whirlwind of a week, but we are very excited!  We spent most of our days off on the phone notifying various relatives and friends of our good news. (Whew! There is a LOT of family!) So, since there wasn't any time for projects , I decided to use this week to share our proposal story.

This past Saturday, I had done a shift trade for a co-worker who got stuck working on her birthday.  That meant that though I had to work the graveyard shift I got to spend all day with The Boyfriend before work.  He was off work for the day and decided to cook me breakfast for lunch.  He asked if that sounded OK to me.  I said "Of course!" Due to my work schedule, I'm rarely awake during "breakfast hours" and therefore, rarely get to enjoy breakfast foods.  With no furniture in the house, and the floors generally wet from drying layers of finish, the kitchen has sort of become the multi-purpose room.  Right now, we have a couple TV trays, camping chairs and the TV in there.  So, while The Boyfriend cooked, I relaxed and watched TV.  The Boyfriend, as I've mentioned, loves to cook, so making me a big breakfast did not seem out of the ordinary. 

As he was getting his ingredients prepped, he told me that he got something for me.  He reached into the fridge and pulled out a carton of Donal Duck orange juice.  A few months back, we had been gathering groceries for a dinner and when we passed the orange juice section,I mentioned that I had always wanted to try Donald Duck orange juice as a kid but my Mom never bought it. So, of course months later when he remembered that, I thought it was so sweet! (No pun intended haha) He said, "Well, I figure we're both adults, if we want Donald Duck orange juice, we should have Donald Duck orange juice." And so we did! Along with French toast, bacon, sausage and eggs. YUM!

After breakfast, I ran to grab a baking pan from my house that The Boyfriend wanted and to run a couple quick errands while he put another coat of finish on the floors.  By the time I got back, I was pretty tired.  Since he knew that I would be working the overnight shift, The Boyfriend suggested I go take a quick nap.  He didn't have to twist my arm! Haha! Just shy of an hour into my nap, the doorbell rang. (The Fiance later told me that it was some of the neighbor kids getting permission to climb into his truck bed to retrieve their basketball that they accidentally threw in there, so I can't be too mad at them for being politer. In fact, I applaud that) I tried to go back to sleep for the last 15 minutes of my nap, but it was no use, so I got up.

I found The Boyfriend back in the "multi-purpose room".  He asked how my nap was and we both sat down and were watching TV.  He asked me (for like the 4th time that day) what time I had to leave for work.  I told him and then he asked if I liked the breakfast.  I told him I loved it.  He then got up and went back to his bedroom and came back with a stick blender/emulsion blender broken down inside a large Tupperware container.  In his other hand was the food processor attachment piece. Again, suspecting nothing, I said "Oh, you found some more kitchen stuff?" He said yes and sat back down next to me.  After a little while he said, "Well, the floors should be done in the next week I'd say."  I said "Yeah? That's good, they are looking really nice!" He said "After that, I can start moving stuff in." I said "That's exciting!" He said "It's really starting to feel like a home."  I was about to respond and he stood up and opened the lid to the food processor and pulled out a ring box!  I of course gasped and he got down on one knee right in the middle of the "multi-purpose room" and  asked me to marry him! I, of course, cried and little and said YES immediately!! He said "You don't even want to see the ring first?"  I laughed and said "Nope!" and continued hugging him.  Of course, I did eventually look at the ring and OH MY GOSH!!

Did he do a good job or what? I absolutely LOVE it! It's just perfect! (By the way, we never talked about what kind of ring I wanted.  He picked this all by himself!) The details are just so awesome and exactly what I wanted. Enjoy some more angles.

We quickly drove the 7 minutes to his parent's house to tell his Mom and show he the ring before I had to rush off to work.  She was very excited! We called his Dad, who was at a get together with some of our friends.

The next day, after getting some sleep following  my graveyard shift, I headed over to the house and The Fiance (teehee) and I started calling my family. It was so hard waiting excitedly all night at work to be able to tell my family! They all live out of state and it was way too late to call before work.  We had to sort of rush through because we had a celebratory dinner planned with his parents shortly after I woke up.  Once the notifications were made, we rushed off to dinner at El Torito with The Fiance's family, my Grandparents and a couple close friends. We had a great time and the staff even came by with fried ice cream and wished us "Happy engagement!"

(OK, is it just me, or does it look like I am the one with the mustache in this kissing picture? LOL awkward!)

We had a very nice time! The following evening, The Fiance and I went to the bookstore and picked out a wedding planner!

Let the fun begin! We are so very excited and look forward to our lives together!


  1. Woo boo-soon excited! Can't wait to meet my new cousin-in-law!!!

    1. I am excited for you to meet him too! We are very excited :)

  2. I love this post!!! So happy for you Janelle!! Your ring is GORGEOUS!! :)

    1. Thank you Dawn!! We are so very excited and looking forward to our lives together! :)


Friday, October 24, 2014

The Proposal

Well, its official! The Boyfriend has been officially promoted to The Fiance! It has been a bit of a whirlwind of a week, but we are very excited!  We spent most of our days off on the phone notifying various relatives and friends of our good news. (Whew! There is a LOT of family!) So, since there wasn't any time for projects , I decided to use this week to share our proposal story.

This past Saturday, I had done a shift trade for a co-worker who got stuck working on her birthday.  That meant that though I had to work the graveyard shift I got to spend all day with The Boyfriend before work.  He was off work for the day and decided to cook me breakfast for lunch.  He asked if that sounded OK to me.  I said "Of course!" Due to my work schedule, I'm rarely awake during "breakfast hours" and therefore, rarely get to enjoy breakfast foods.  With no furniture in the house, and the floors generally wet from drying layers of finish, the kitchen has sort of become the multi-purpose room.  Right now, we have a couple TV trays, camping chairs and the TV in there.  So, while The Boyfriend cooked, I relaxed and watched TV.  The Boyfriend, as I've mentioned, loves to cook, so making me a big breakfast did not seem out of the ordinary. 

As he was getting his ingredients prepped, he told me that he got something for me.  He reached into the fridge and pulled out a carton of Donal Duck orange juice.  A few months back, we had been gathering groceries for a dinner and when we passed the orange juice section,I mentioned that I had always wanted to try Donald Duck orange juice as a kid but my Mom never bought it. So, of course months later when he remembered that, I thought it was so sweet! (No pun intended haha) He said, "Well, I figure we're both adults, if we want Donald Duck orange juice, we should have Donald Duck orange juice." And so we did! Along with French toast, bacon, sausage and eggs. YUM!

After breakfast, I ran to grab a baking pan from my house that The Boyfriend wanted and to run a couple quick errands while he put another coat of finish on the floors.  By the time I got back, I was pretty tired.  Since he knew that I would be working the overnight shift, The Boyfriend suggested I go take a quick nap.  He didn't have to twist my arm! Haha! Just shy of an hour into my nap, the doorbell rang. (The Fiance later told me that it was some of the neighbor kids getting permission to climb into his truck bed to retrieve their basketball that they accidentally threw in there, so I can't be too mad at them for being politer. In fact, I applaud that) I tried to go back to sleep for the last 15 minutes of my nap, but it was no use, so I got up.

I found The Boyfriend back in the "multi-purpose room".  He asked how my nap was and we both sat down and were watching TV.  He asked me (for like the 4th time that day) what time I had to leave for work.  I told him and then he asked if I liked the breakfast.  I told him I loved it.  He then got up and went back to his bedroom and came back with a stick blender/emulsion blender broken down inside a large Tupperware container.  In his other hand was the food processor attachment piece. Again, suspecting nothing, I said "Oh, you found some more kitchen stuff?" He said yes and sat back down next to me.  After a little while he said, "Well, the floors should be done in the next week I'd say."  I said "Yeah? That's good, they are looking really nice!" He said "After that, I can start moving stuff in." I said "That's exciting!" He said "It's really starting to feel like a home."  I was about to respond and he stood up and opened the lid to the food processor and pulled out a ring box!  I of course gasped and he got down on one knee right in the middle of the "multi-purpose room" and  asked me to marry him! I, of course, cried and little and said YES immediately!! He said "You don't even want to see the ring first?"  I laughed and said "Nope!" and continued hugging him.  Of course, I did eventually look at the ring and OH MY GOSH!!

Did he do a good job or what? I absolutely LOVE it! It's just perfect! (By the way, we never talked about what kind of ring I wanted.  He picked this all by himself!) The details are just so awesome and exactly what I wanted. Enjoy some more angles.

We quickly drove the 7 minutes to his parent's house to tell his Mom and show he the ring before I had to rush off to work.  She was very excited! We called his Dad, who was at a get together with some of our friends.

The next day, after getting some sleep following  my graveyard shift, I headed over to the house and The Fiance (teehee) and I started calling my family. It was so hard waiting excitedly all night at work to be able to tell my family! They all live out of state and it was way too late to call before work.  We had to sort of rush through because we had a celebratory dinner planned with his parents shortly after I woke up.  Once the notifications were made, we rushed off to dinner at El Torito with The Fiance's family, my Grandparents and a couple close friends. We had a great time and the staff even came by with fried ice cream and wished us "Happy engagement!"

(OK, is it just me, or does it look like I am the one with the mustache in this kissing picture? LOL awkward!)

We had a very nice time! The following evening, The Fiance and I went to the bookstore and picked out a wedding planner!

Let the fun begin! We are so very excited and look forward to our lives together!


  1. Woo boo-soon excited! Can't wait to meet my new cousin-in-law!!!

    1. I am excited for you to meet him too! We are very excited :)

  2. I love this post!!! So happy for you Janelle!! Your ring is GORGEOUS!! :)

    1. Thank you Dawn!! We are so very excited and looking forward to our lives together! :)
